All posts by Demetrios Rhompotis
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Once more we are blessed to close this holiday issue and open the Christmas, New Year and Epiphany Season. For some of us it was easier than for others, but it’s good that we made it healthy...
- Posted December 28, 2024
Be citizens, not idiotes…
This issue marks NEO’s 19th year anniversary and we feel very proud, but more responsible at the same time. As you can see from the stories, starting with the cover story, it’s a bouquet of beautiful and...
- Posted October 23, 2024
This Summer Remember Cyprus….
This summer is different. Fifty years ago Turkey invaded Cyprus with hordes of Anatolians who killed, plunged, raped and forced a big chunk of the local population to flee to the free part of the island. Not...
- Posted July 10, 2024
Happy Easter! May the best egg win!
We made it to Easter! Best wishes for health and happiness to all! Special thanks to those who responded and flooded this issue too with their ads and Paschal messages. We are grateful to you for giving...
- Posted May 10, 2024
Long Live Greece and the Greek People!
What more to say, friends, Long Live Greece and the Greek People! The revolution of 1821 was the first step in dismantling a brutal empire, the Ottoman, and paved the way for freedom to all Balkan peoples,...
- Posted April 2, 2024
Happy Holidays!
Friends, we made it this year as well to the end! Soon we’ll have to change a number in our calendars, phones, even in our checks, although dated 2023 ones will still be good… I wish you...
- Posted December 28, 2023
OXI Day in …Italy!
Salute amici! This year I will be in Italy in time for the OXI Day, which is nothing important there, they probably have no idea about the anniversary. And who in his right mind would like to...
- Posted October 27, 2023
Have a nice summer (or what’s left of it)!
Here we are folks, with our summer edition, beautiful as ever! Enjoy, always in moderation and never while driving! We want you with us for many years to come! This project is ours and yours, one cannot...
- Posted July 30, 2023
Christos Anesti – Χριστός Ανέστη!
Another year we made it to Easter, one week after all the other Christians and we bought our chocolate eggs at half price! Same with some decorative bunnies and other handmade stuff from China which aim to...
- Posted April 14, 2023
A celebration for all Balkan peoples, including Turks!
March 25, 1821 marks the beginning of a long struggle that led to the creation of modern Greece and the demise of the Ottoman Empire, which in turn led to the formation of a number of modern...
- Posted March 21, 2023
When the throne is too big for the king…
Yes, dear comrades (the Russian term товарищ — comrade, preexisted Communism) maybe the time is approaching for me to step down. For some time now the crown has been too heavy to bear, maybe that’s why I’m...
- Posted December 27, 2022
OXI to Bullies and Aggressors, then and now!
This month we celebrate the victories of Greece against the Italian invaders, the first victories actually of the Allied troops in World War II. Once more, tiny, poor and numerically inferior Greece showed humanity that when it...
- Posted October 30, 2022
Argentina is going ….Greek!
Meet Silvina Batakis, the newly appointed Minister of the Economy in the Argentinian government! She’s the second cabinet member of Hellenic descent to currently serve the administration. The first one is Gabriel Nicolas Katopodis, Minister of Public...
- Posted July 12, 2022
Χριστός Ανέστη – Christ is Risen – Христос воскресе!
Pascha is finally here, but our world, as is its wont, is in a mess! The war in Ukraine is not abating, it’s intensifying, and no end in this conflict is in sight. Two brother peoples, Orthodox...
- Posted April 25, 2022
Миру – мир!
The title, an old Communist motto meaning “Peace to the World,” is one that both Ukrainians and Russians understand. It remains to be seen when and how they will take it seriously. Having entered the fourth week...
- Posted March 22, 2022
Christmas wishes and …curses!
And so is Christmas, as the song goes and we are about to wrap up this issue so that we can fly to the Swiss Alps, to a humble but luxurious nevertheless chalet, to spend the holidays...
- Posted December 24, 2021
Greece defending the West, again!
On October 28, 1940, Greece did what she has been doing for the last couple of millenia, to say the least: she defended the West against a threat that almost destroyed it completely and this time from...
- Posted October 28, 2021
Friends, we need your help!
I hope this message get to you before you go to Greece and Cyprus and you spend all your money, bringing back beautiful memories and credit card bills that will remind you of your vacation for many...
- Posted July 3, 2021
Crack Easter Eggs – Not Your Heads!
We…the Orthodox…contrary to our …unorthodox friends…celebrate Easter late this year, in fact a month after, so that we can buy our chocolate eggs and bunnies at half price! Being Orthodox pays, especially if you follow the Julian...
- Posted April 30, 2021
Greece: 200 years of fighting enemies within and without
We have a proverb in Greek that some attribute to Pythagoras and others to Plato, which goes, “η αρχή είναι το ήμισυ του παντός;”meaning, “the beginning is half of everything.” That is probably why the chronological counting...
- Posted March 23, 2021
“A great tree has fallen”…
That was the phrase South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa used from his native language upon announcing the news that George Bizos, a Greek immigrant and champion for human rights who was also Nelson Mandela’s lawyer and friend,...
- Posted December 24, 2020
Every year In October we celebrate OXI Day, when then- superpower Italy invaded Greece, October 28, 1940, and got one of history’s most expensive lessons. It took almost a year and Nazi Germany’s might had to come...
- Posted October 10, 2020
Happy Easter!
According to the Greek Orthodox tradition, Pascha lasts 40 days: it officially ends on Ascension Day, which this year is May 28. So, the fact that this issue came out barely a few days after Easter Sunday...
- Posted April 29, 2020
Tailors Fighting Coronavirus: Taking measures in massive scale – New York on …Menopause!
Our tailors have decided to join the fight against coronavirus wholeheartedly and true to form started taking measures in massive scale. Their union President Emeritus Taylor Swift announced that their goal is “to dress as many people...
- Posted March 24, 2020
Inaugural Fundraiser for the New York Chapter Heritage Greece a Great Success!
The New York Chapter Heritage Greece of the National Hellenic Society recently held its inaugural Casino Night at the Plandome Golf Country Club in New York with great success! More than $110,000 was raised and as a...
- Posted January 13, 2020