Every year In October we celebrate OXI Day, when then- superpower Italy invaded Greece, October 28, 1940, and got one of history’s most expensive lessons. It took almost a year and Nazi Germany’s might had to come to the rescue in order for tiny Greece to be subdued. And even then, the war wasn’t over, as many Greek officers and soldiers went to Egypt to continue the struggle with the Allies, or took to the mountains in Greece, forming a very active resistance. Nowadays, in a faraway place, we, the American Greeks, are resisting another enemy that threatens to destroy humanity, Covid-19. Along with OXI Day’s lessons, we apply …OXI Clean–instead of helmets, we wear masks, and in place of Germans we kill …germs! The fight is equally, if not more important, and we need to win and win fast before the virus brings down our economy and way of life faster that our politicians ever will…
Speaking of the—devil—in a few days the election is taking place. We, at NEO, never endorse presidential candidates, we consider you mature and smart enough to decide on your own. The only thing we tell you is go out and vote, whoever you want, make your voice heard and your presence felt. And don’t forget, besides president, you need to vote for congressmen, senators and local officials that determine to a great extent the quality of your day-to-day life.
Last, but not least, this month we also celebrate NEO’s 15 Year anniversary! Yes, you heard right, our project has reached another milestone thanks to your love and support! What better way to celebrate than featuring on the cover the great Stevie Nicks, a real honor, and many thanks to Markos Papadatos for securing an exclusive interview for NEO.
While I’m grateful to Dimitri Michalakis for the “eulogy” in the editorial, this beautiful magazine – always a work in progress – is the result of the collaboration of many people, past and present, and the convergence of great brains like mine– Dimitri Michalakis is the–beauty!
And, of course, supporters like you, our steady and ad hoc pillars that even in times of great distress, such as 2008 and now with Covid, manage to show up and offer what it takes for NEO to be reborn issue after issue.