Leadership 100 22nd Conference – Interview: John Calamos, Sr.

John & Mae Calamos
Photo: Demetrios Rhompotis
What do you think of this conference?
I’ve been coming here for a number of years in order to support the Leadership and also interact with all the people that are here. It has been a wonderful experience. One of the real positive things about L100 is not only giving support to the Church, but also meeting with the warm and nice people that are its members. So, being able to connect with these people is a real motivation.
During last year’s convention, the seeds for the Hellenic Initiative were planted. How is it going so far?
I think it’s still a work in progress, what we are obviously trying to do with the Hellenic Initiative is see if we can help Greece in some way. So they are still trying to formulate that strategy. I went to Athens last summer (with the Hellenic Initiative delegation) and I was very impressed with the government there. I think they are trying to do the right thing.
Was there any follow up?
Yes, they are privatizing, they are trying to make the pie bigger instead of slicing up the pie. Prime Minister Samaras said we want to grow up the red carpet instead of the red tape and I think he’s trying to do that. I think privatization is very important because Greece has to build her private sector.
What about the American Economy?
I’m a bit more optimistic about what’s going on. The numbers seem to be getting better, we are still in the slow growth phase and I’m hoping that the government will decrease regulation instead of stifling competition. I think they need to make sure that we continue to build the private sector, just like Greece. We really need to grow the economy before we talk about redistribution.