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May 2008

Congressman Zack Space on Ohio, Greece, Cyprus and “heroic deeds"

Facing reelection in the former Republican stronghold of the 18th CD, the first term Congressman is hoping his constituents appreciate his efforts to bring needed integrity to the job (his predecessor pleaded guilty to corruption charges) and jobs to the district, which is in the heart of rural Ohio and the Rust Belt.

Former football All-American and Ohio attorney Zack Space had publicly signed a pledge to do the right thing if he got to Congress, and he says he’s worked hard to keep that pledge during his eighteen months in office. He’s been in the forefront of ethical reform and he’s been a workhorse in fighting for jobs for his rural district. “Public service is something that right now I find extremely rewarding,” says the 47-year-old Ohio native who grew up in the district and practices law there with his father Socrates at Space & Space. “I hope that I can continue to exhibit leadership through service, as I’ve tried in the last 18 months, and with God’s blessing and the blessing of the people my district, I’ll be able to continue doing that.”

What’s your typical day like in public office?

The only thing that seems to remain constant from day to day is the long hours and the hard work. Basically it’s broken down into two different parts: my work when I’m in Washington and my work when I’m back in my home district. I’m usually in Washington from Monday or Tuesday to Thursday or Friday, then I’m back home every weekend... (view entire article)

Aris Anagnos waging the political fight in America through the American Hellenic Council of California

Aris Anagnos is one of the co-founders of the American Hellenic Council of California, a non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to educating and informing the American public and elected officials on Hellenic issues. Long a prominent real estate developer on the west coast, he came to America with just $200 in his pocket and got a business degree from UCLA, where a professor told him to change his name, Aristides Anagnostopoulos, to Andy Anderson, and Anagnos compromised on Aris Anagnos: “I had to cut it at least in half to function,” he laughs. He also started investing for clients, “and real estate, of course, was a very fine investment. So I became licensed and put clients into good real estate investments. I’m proud to say my clients never lost any money.” (view entire article)

Greek Deputy Minister Panos Kammenos gives the European perspective on terrorism and illegal immigration

For Deputy Minister of Mercantile, Aegean and Island Policy of Greece Panos Kammenos, problems such as terrorism and illegal immigration, perhaps the toughest issues the West is facing nowadays, are very familiar. He served as Chairman of the Committee for the Security and Collaboration in the Mediterranean, Vice-Chairman of the General Committee of Political Affairs and Security of OACE-PA (Organization for the Security and Collaboration in Europe)
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Cypriots meet in Washington

The 24th Annual Cyprus, Hellenic and Orthodox Issues Conference is about to take place in Washington, D.C. on May 21-23, 2008. Hosted by The International Coordinating Committee Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA) and the Coordinated Effort of Hellenes, it provides Greek-Americans and Cypriot-American from across the country and Hellenes from around the world, the opportunity to meet with the highest-level administration officials in charge of U.S. policy toward Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. "We are thrilled that this year we have a very strong representation from the occupied municipalities
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The Cyprus success story

Debbie Kamilaris had visited Cyprus before and for years had joined her parents as they became involved in the various Cypriot organizations here in America. “I would hear the issues growing up, see what happened, how it had affected my family and both my parents,” says the 24-year-old president of The Cypriot Youth Committee of America (CYCA), the six-year-old official Youth Division of the Cyprus Federation of America (CFA). “I just couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose your home and leave a place where you grew up and all your family was there and leave behind everything you knew.”
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